Friday, July 6, 2012

The Magician Reversed Tarot Card

When you turn up the cards and the Magician is reversed ask yourself how can I better communicate with the world.

Mercury rules this card. In different mystery's you will see Mercury over and over gain. Maybe as Hermes in the Greek mythology and when you look into the Egyptian Mythologies he will appear as Thoth.

Offering different ways to be the master of communications. In the South American mysteries he was Quetzalcoatl. Leading the people away from destructive habits and offering more powerful ideas of how they could over come the challenges of the day.

When you see this card ill dignified ask your self some hard hitting questions.

How can I better use my multidimensional selves. Maybe you are not organizing your communications very well.

Am I being to blunt or not using good timing? Are people confused by my communications?

The con artist is demonstrating this aspect of the Magician in the shadow.

They have the gift of communications but are not using it in the light or for the higher good of all.

Are you being too timid and hesitant about your delivery. Having a hard time making a decision. If you are putting your self down you only drive the blade in deeper.Some time when we come up with stuttering problems this card will show up ill dignified.

If you are not willing to drink from the well of wisdom, be prepared to suffer the indignities of ignorance.

The card also represent when we are being selfish in life and when we are operating in our shadow self.

Do we get out our way by throwing up a lot of smoke and mirrors, or do we make sure that our contracts are a win for all parties concerned.

The tools of the magician are the coins, the floating kerub, the phoenix wand, the arrow, the winged eye of Horus, the scroll, the winged egg, the cup, the sword, and the golden monkey.

All of these offer ways to communicate for different purposes.

You can also tap into the other numerical 1 cards for additional inspiration and support. The Wheel of Fortune, The Sun. The Ace of Swords, the Ace of Cups, The Ace of Wands, the Ace of Disks, the Ten of Swords, The Ten of Cups, The Ten of Wands, The Ten of Disks. Explore these cars for more ideas to help you meet the challenges set forth by the Reversed Magician. All of the rightful energy of The Magician up-right is yours to use if you can just unravel this little challenge.

If you like this article and would like to use it in your e-zine or newsletter you may. All I ask is that you print the article entirely and include this blurb: From Dallas, TX MarVeena Meek publishes her Ghost Queen E-zine each week with hints and tips for spiritual and psychic awakening. You can sign up for free at her web site:,

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