Monday, May 28, 2012

The Magician Tarot

Imagine if you will a two or three year old. They want their parent's attention and will do anything to get it. They will get positive attention by doing something good like potty training, or bad like drawing pictures on the walls with crayons.

In the deck I use, the Thoth deck, there are actually three cards that are the magician. I pick one daily and leave the other two out of the deck for the day. So as an adult a magician is a manipulator. They can move people around to do what they want, or in some cases they are in control of situations (such as a boss at work).

In some positions the magician is someone with too much on their plate. They are trying to juggle too many things at once and find over time everything comes tumbling in on them. This is because they do not know how to say no or they are just desperate to please someone.

In a more sinister role, the magician is the trickster. The magician is trying to play tricks and create chaos and sometimes these tricksters are hard to find and ferret out. They are very good at hiding themselves and their motives, but their one goal is to create chaos and mischief. Again this is a immature child like response of a child playing with a bug under a magnifying glass and even burning the bug. These tricksters have to be removed from a person's life before they set that life ablaze.

In the reversed position, this can mean that manipulation is stopped or going to be stopped. It can also mean the people's motives will be exposed. It is also a warning that manipulation is having a real negative impact on a person's life. So be careful.

We are do some level of manipulation in our lives to get what we want. A woman may wear certain clothes, wear makeup and other things to attract a man. A person may work extra hours on a weekend in order to be considered for promotion. It is when those motives behind the manipulation are negative is when problems can arise.

John Fortuna Intuitive Reader

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